Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Wintergardens at the Auckland Domain

On the afternoon of the first day I was in Auckland we went to the Wintergardens at the Auckland Domain. A domain is like a park. The Wintergardens are greenhouses, they are for keeping plants warm in Winter.

This is me. I am looking at BIG FISH in the water. They reminded me of Isabel, my old goldfish.

This is a caterpillar I saw in the greenhouse. (It will be a Monarch Butterfly! A and P doubt this however.)

These are enormous Pitcher Plants hanging over an HUGE lily plant. Pitcher plants eat insects!!! The happy, friendly excitable plant keeper showed us pictures of babies sitting on the lily pads (for this type of lily, there are apparantly only two of this species grown outside of the amazon).

This is the bottom of one of the pads from the lily being held up by the keeper.

I liked the Auckland domain because of all of the different plant we saw. We also played football (errr, soccer), harassed some ducks, and saw the big ferns in Fernz Fernery.

P (with contributions from A and B)


La Hamburgler (Rob Lingstuyl) said...

And you didn't try to sit on one? That would be a good picture. I thing you should try next time you're there. Heck, go back and do it just for fun ;)

Adrianne said...

p- looks like a wonderful place to visit. Annie loved the pictures because she has been studying animals under the sea in school. Reminds me of the aquarium in Boston- the baby sea horses were my favorites!!