Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tirau: Corrugated Metal Capital of Central North Island

On "Flight of the Conchords" there is a running joke about a "toothbrush fence". As in, hey, Oz might have Uluru, but we've got a nice toothbrush fence. Up 'till a few minutes ago, thanks to the wonder that is the internet, I was not able to verify through querying the locals. It turns out that indeed there is. There is also a bra fence.

Where I grew up the best we had was a "The THING?" and a large cow skull.

Pascal and I encountered another extravagant tourist trap oddity on a recent trip. A town near the famous toothbrush fence is the corrugated metal capital of central north island, here's the evidence:

I want one of these. This is the second one I've seen... (the mower-bike, not the kid, she's already mine).
P getting eaten by a large, in case you didn't notice, corrugated-metal sheep. Afterwards she found a public toilet in the innards.

The corrugated-metal dog seems more interested in chasing cars than keeping the local corrugated-metal sheep in line. He also houses tourist information and knick-knacks.

Perhaps this is why - the corrugated-metal shepard is about 1/10th the size of the sheep and dog.Hubba-hubba. That's a nice corrugated-metal pukeko.

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